Research / Conferences and Seminars

Management Challenges in the 21st Century: 2014

“Fostering Entrepreneurship: Small and Medium-Sized Businesses as Pillars of Economic Growth“

Conference objective:

The purpose of the conference is to focus academic discussion on various aspects of small and medium entrepreneurship and possibilities of its support. Small and medium-sized businesses form a significant and relatively stable contribution to the gross domestic product in developed economies as well as in Slovakia. The conference will be focusing on the analysis of financing aspects and also on the main managerial and marketing issues faced by small and medium-sized businesses as well as start-up, family, and non-profit organizations. The conference's ambition is to promote interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and to provide a platform for discussing knowledge management and education as means to stimulate innovations in small and medium-sized businesses. we invite academicians as well as practitioners from all related areas to participate in this upcoming scientific event.


1. Pressing issues in financing SMEs, start-ups, family businesses and small NGOs

2. SMEs and small organizations: Key managerial and marketing challenges

3. Knowledge management and education as stimuli of innovation in SMEs


Date and place:

April 23, 2014

Vysoká škola manažmentu/School of Management
Panónska cesta 17, 851 04 Bratislava

1st floor, room No. 113

Information for participants:

1. Conference languages: English, Slovak and Czech.
2. Contributions of participants will be published in referred conference proceedings (CD).
3. Maximum length of an abstract is 20 lines, maximum length of a paper is 20 pages, format A4.
4. Deadline for submission of an abstract in the electronic form: January 20, 2014.
5. Deadline for submission of a contribution in the electronic form: March 17, 2014.
6. Registration for the conference: March 17, 2014.
7. Abstracts and contributions to be sent to:
8. Conference fee: 60.00 EUR/external participants; 20.00 EUR/internal participants.
9. The conference fee has to be paid: by March 17, 2014
10. A detailed program of the conference will be sent to all registered participants.

More information about the conference fees as well as research and program committees can be found here.



Vysoká škola manažmentu
Martina Bernhauerová
Panónska cesta 17, 851 04 Bratislava

Tel.: +421 2 68 20 45 41, +421 910 213 990

Author Guidelines for Proceedings of a VŠM conference



Vysoká škola manažmentu, Panónska cesta 17, 851 04 Bratislava

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