Research / Research Focus

Cientific Research Activities (2016)

Scientific research activities of VSM teachers and postgraduate students in the fields of scientific research consist of the following areas of interest: organization of conferences and workshops, working on grant projects and publishing the results of their scientific research activities.

International Conferences and Workshops

On May 19, 2016 Vysoká škola manažmentu (VŠM) organized 8th conference of the series of international conferences “Management in the 21th century: problems and solutions”, which was focused on “Digitalization of the society, economy and market: basic solutions and problems.” The conference was supervised by the chair of the science committee, prof. Ing. Edita Hekelová, PhD. and the chair of the organization committee, doc. Ing. Mária Tajtáková, PhD. The conference aimed to encourage the academic discussion on solutions and different problems in the field of digitalization and their impact on society, as well as the opportunities it offers in business. The important part of the conference were the contributions of the people from business (bank sector, start-ups), which described the current situation in the process of digitalization in the environment of companies and universities.

The total number of contributions which were accepted was 31.  39 participants from 13 different universities, institutions and companies came from Slovakia and different countries (Finland, Latvia and Czech Republic). 29 contributions, which were actually presented, were divided into two sections:

- Digitalization and innovation in Economy with the Emphasis on Financial and IT Sector

- Management and Education in the Age of Digitalization

The contributions were published in a conference collection. The quality of the contributions, as well as the discussion proved the growing quality of the research in the environment of VŠM. It showed the growing interest of students in the presented areas too.

12th workshop International Workshop on Knowledge Management IWKM 2016 was organized on October 20 and 21, 2016. The chairman of the workshop was traditionally prof. Ing. Jozef Hvorecký, PhD. In contrast to the previous years, this workshop was enriched by two parallel seminars with the topics Big Data a Knowledge Management as Education Tool.

The goal of the workshop was to present both important fields of research the knowledge managment to students and teachers of VŠM, as well as other workshop participants. There were more than 50 teachers, researchers and students at the workshop and 18 contributions were presented and published in electronic collection with ISBN.

Both events represent a traditional contribution of a VŠM academic community to the discussion on the actual problems in the economical and business enviroment in Slovakia and abroad. One event is 12 years old, and the other is 8 years old, which in the view of the age of the VŠM as an institution is a positive sign.

Grants and research projects realised at VŠM in 2016

In 2016, VŠM teachers participated on the following projects:

Interior research projects

The name of the grant project and its number: Projekt VEGA 1/0647/15 Konkurenčné stratégie slovenských firiem na zahraničných trhoch: teórie, analýzy a spôsoby, ako zvýšiť ich konkurencieschopnosť (Project VEGA 1/0647/15 Competitive strategies of Slovak companies on foreign markets: theory, analysis and the ways how to increase their ability in the competition)

Institution, where it is conducted: VŠM

The name of the responsible researcher: Prof. Ing. Soňa Ferenčíková, PhD.

The other researchers from VŠM: Andrej Piovarči, Denisa Hackett, Martin Miller, Erik Kubička, Zuzana Melicheríková, Heda Hansenová, Mária Tajtáková, Jana Hrdličková

Time of realisation: 2015 -2017

International research projects

The name of the research project: Cross-Cultural Collaboration on Contemporary Careers (5C)

Institution, where it is conducted: 38 universities located in different countries

The name of the responsible researcher: Emma Perry, Michael Dickmann, Cranfield School of Management, UK, Wolfgang Mayrhofer, Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien, Rakúsko

Participating institutions:  38 universities from Europe, USA, Canada, Latin America, Asia, Australia and Africa

The name of the researcher for Slovakia and VŠM: Prof. Ing. Soňa Ferenčíková, PhD.

The other researchers from VŠM: Denisa Hackett

Time of realisation: 2011 -2017

Grant projects realised in different institutions with the participation of VŠM teachers

The name of the grant project and its number: Projekt VEGA 1/0990/15 Pripravenosť priemyselných podnikov na implementáciu požiadaviek noriem pre systémy manažérstva kvality ISO 9001:2015 a systémy environmentálneho manažérstva ISO 14001.2015 (Project VEGA 1/0990/15 Readiness of industrial companies for implementation of regulations for quality management systems ISO 9001:2015 and enviromental management systems ISO 14001.2015)

The name of the institution where i tis realised: MTF STU, with the VŠM cooperation

The name of the responsible researcher: doc. Ing. Miroslav Rusko, PhD, deputy researcher: doc. Ing. Iveta Paulová, PhD.

The other researchers from VŠM: prof. Ing Edita Hekelová, PhD.

Time of realisation: 2015-2017

The international grant projects submitted in 2016 - Visegrad Fund

Theme: De-internationalisation of firms from Visegrad countries: symptoms, motives and consequences for competitiveness

Coordinator: Piotr Trapczynski, Poznań University of Economics and Business, PL

Collaborating institutions:

Vysoká škola manažmentu v Trenčíne, SK

Corvinus University, Budapest, HU

Soukromá vysoká škola ekonomická, Znojmo, CZ

Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

Researchers from VŠM:  Prof. Ing. Soňa Ferenčíková, PhD., Ing. Andrej Piovarči, PhD., PhDr. Erik Kubička, PhD., Ing. Zuzana Melicheríková, PhD.

Theme: Visegrad Industrial and Service Core: Current Development and Future Prospects

Coordinator: Mariusz-Jan Radlo, Warsaw School of Economics, Collegium of World Economy, PL

Cooperating institutions:

Vysoká škola manažmentu v Trenčíne, SK

Hungarian Academy of Sciences, HU

Researchers from VŠM:  Prof. Ing. Soňa Ferenčíková, PhD.

Scientific workshops in 2016: Tuesday Research Series

The regular monthly scientific-research lectures for the scientific VŠM community (teachers, PhD students, students and externals) have been organized on the ground of VŠM since October 2015. The aim is to share the research results with the broader community and to encourage the exchange of ideas, networking and benchmarking in the area of knowledge. In 2016, nine lectures of teachers and post-gradual students were realized on the first Tuesday of a month. The topics of the lectures were based on the lecturers’ research interests. The following teachers and post-graduate students participated in 2016:  

5.1.2016  Prof. Ing. Soňa Ferenčíková, PhD.

International joint ventures in Slovakia: from transformation to market economy

2.2.2016 PhDr. Erik Kubička, PhD., MBA

Vplyv organizačnej kultúry na konkurencieschopnosť malých a stredných podnikov v znalostnej spoločnosti (The impact of organizational culture on the competitiveness  of small and middle-sized companies in knowledge-based society.)

1.3.2016 Prof. Dr. Ing. Menbere Workie Tiruneh, PhD.

Some reflections on the use of ICT

5.4.2016 Branislav Bernadič, PhD. MBA

Disclosure of Intellectual Capital in Corporate Financial reporting,

3.5.2016 Prof. RNDr. Jozef Hvorecký, PhD.

Znalostní pracovníci v akademickom prostredí (The knowledge-based workers in academic environment)

7.6. 2016 Ing. Marek Minárik, PhD.

Vplyv substitúcie exportných nákladov výmeny na priadnú hodnotu (The impact of the export exchange on added value)

4.10.2016 Mgr. Valéria Medárová, PhD., MBA
Skúsenosti s online vzdelávaním v slovenských podnikoch (Experience with online teaching in Slovak companies)

15.11. 2016 Mgr. Jozef Šimúth, PhD.
Úloha e-learningu v rozvoji talentov v malých a stredných podnikoch (The role of e-learning in the talent development in small and middle-sized companies)

6.12.2016 Mgr. Mária Bohumelová, PhD. MBA

Význam digitalizácie výtvarného umenia pre intelektuálny rozmer znalostnej (The importance of digitalization of fine arts for the intellectual dimension of the knowledge-based economy)

Publication activities

When analysing publication activities for the year 2016 is important to stress the following facts:

According to 2016 statistics, the best quality publications are the scientific monographs published in the foreign publishing houses (1 - Bernadič), Chapters in monographs published in the foreign publishing houses (3 – all of them by Ferenčíková), scientific works published in the foreign periodicals (1 – Melicheríková/Piovarči) and published contributions in international conferences (13 – different authors).

The most important contribution in 2016 in an alphabetical order: Bernadič, Dávideková, Ferenčíková, Hvorecký, Tajtáková, Workie.



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